About Us

PublicDomainAudioBibles.com is a new private Christian ministry website in the AudioTreasure Group of Bible Audio websites that has been providing free legal Audio Bible mp3 files since 1999. This site is focused on offering Bible recordings that are either in the public domain in the United States or offered for free use with attribution under a Creative Commons share license. We plan to offer a total of 15 - 20 translations in different languages as they are completed.

This site is funded by the donations of down-loaders, sales of Bible Audio master files on USB sticks and limited advertising from the Google network. We attempt to filter any offensive advertising but occasionally some inappropriate ads may slip through. Please let us know so we can filter out bad ads. Visiting our advertisers help support the site.

The Bible Audio files offered on PublicDomainAudioBibles.com for streaming and download can be freely copied and reused for your personal and ministry projects. There is a cost to prepare and serve these files so your support is appreciated. $10 covers the bandwidth and server expenses to provide over 300 complete audio Bibles to users around the World. Our traffic and downloads in Asia are growing rapidly and the new Bible in Basic English recordings are popular with those who want to learn English. Providing free Audio Bible downloads that can be legally copied for others is one of the best investments in the Kingdom you can make. The Sower Sows the Word.

Contact Us:
You can use the email form on this page or send your email to [email protected]
Please inform us of any errors you find in the recordings so we can correct them.